Who I Coach

I most enjoy coaching people who recognize they are making choices every moment, and who want to consciously make the choices that will lead to living the greatest life they can envision. I believe that the true measure of success is when we are successful in all areas of our life. I encourage my clients to live a balanced life.
    I work with...
  • Anyone wanting to imagine their ideal life and to chart a path to success.
  • The person who is ready to move past self-limiting behaviors.
  • The teacher looking for new ways to ignite the joy of discovery.
  • The manager who wants to improve efficiency and profits by investing in new technology.
  • The person who wants to discover and share their passion and voice more creatively.
  • The retiree, and soon-to-be-retiree, who isn't quite sure what to do next.
  • Anyone who wants a happier life and more moments of playfulness in each day.
  • The person who feels stuck in a rut and is ready to choose a new path.
  • Each person ready to grow beyond their inhibitions and find their wonder, magic and joy.
  • The empty nester who wants to reclaim and nurture her inner child.
  • The perfectionist who wants to stop sabotaging their best efforts.
  • Anyone wanting greater satisfaction in a relationship.
  • CEOs and Leaders who need an honest, objective sounding board.
  • The artist who is blocked or looking for new challenges, or just needing permission to create.
  • Government staff who want the support of someone who's been there and knows the culture.